Tuesday 12 July 2016

Troubles with Windows 10

We have been recently flooded by  email reports of those of you who could not start the GCDkit installer on Windows 10. Strangely, the other versions of the system seem unaffected. We have examined the problem and, as it seems, it consists in the sudden change in security policy of Microsoft, requiring all installation programs to have a valid security certificate.

While we are working on the remedy, the only way on Win 10 seems to use the "advanced" setup taking advantage of the R library mechanism.  

There is no need to be afraid of this,  The procedure is as follows:
  • download and install the R 3.2.1 for Windows
  • download the GCDkit_4.1.zip library
  • run the R console in a SDI mode
  • install the library from the R console (Menu Packages > Install package(s) from local zip files...)
  • install the R2HTML, RODBC and sp libraries (Menu Packages > Install package(s)...) [working Internet connection is required]
  • load the GCDkit library (Menu Packages > Load package > GCDkit or type library(GCDkit) into the R Console)
The last step is to be repeated every time you start R GUI a new. 

Alternatively, you can make an shortcut at your Desktop with a text similar to mine (do take care of the correct path):

"C:\R\R-3.2.1\bin\i386\Rgui.exe" --silent --no-save --sdi

Please do note the quotation marks, they should be there.

Setting the directory to that with R libraries. In my case it is:


I hope that this will help. Please let us know if there are any further problems. 
