Monday 7 November 2016

Catania Workshop

We held a workshop in Catania, sicily, from the 26th to the 30th of September of this year. It was convened, and beautifully organized, by P. Fiannacca and R. Cirrincione at Università degli Studi di Catania. With 20+ participants, including a sizeable group from Brazil, we think the workshop was quite a success (better ask the participants, though !).

Mt Etna, viewed from the hotel where we stayed (Jeff's balcony, to be specific)...
For the first time, we introduced during the workshop the set of modelling routines that we've been promising for years. Although there is no GUI to them now, they work nicely in command line. The next step is to actually release them... We also chanced upon a fantastic R package called gWidgets2, that may well take care of most of our GUI requirments (and, in the process, provide a way forwards for a modelling GUI).
The organizers of the workshop: Patrizia Fiannacca, Jeff, Vojta, Rosolino Cirrincione.

The real highlight of the week, however, was clearly not the code but the Wednesday trip to Mount Etna. Despite a somewhat cloudy weather, we enjoyed a great trip to the Valle del Bove, under the wise guidance of C. Ferlito.
Descending into the Valle del Bove

Listening to Carmelo !